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   Functional Lives

  For a stress free life!

Functional Counselling and Therapy

More than just talking

Go from surviving to thriving!

Contact Maya and Muskaan for help

Maya and Muskaan Hammarsal

Self Help Videos

Tapping for Children Series

Maya and Muskaan Hammarsal

Kia ora, we hope you enjoy our videos below.

Feel free to share them with your family and friends!

The Tapping Tool

with Maya Hammarsal

Ultra useful self help tool for mananging emotional distress and unhelpful thoughts.

Tapping for Children Series

Video One

Tapping Away Anxiety

with Muskaan Hammarsal

Guest Star Tobasco Cat

Tapping for Children Series



Maya and Muskaan Hammarsal

Tapping Away Anxiety

with Maya Hammarsal

Full session using the tapping tool to address generalised anxiety.

Tapping for Children Series

Video Two

Tapping Down Anger

with Muskaan Hammarsal

Tobasco Cat